parkrun Resources Hub

These downloadable public online resource kits include videos, presentation templates, imagery, social media assets, and research that celebrate parkrun participation.

Learn more about the Resources Hub

In focus: Volunteering

Volunteering is one of parkrun’s greatest success stories. It is a hugely positive experience and is a form of participation that is inclusive, respected and accessible to everyone.

In focus: Women and Girls at parkrun

Thanks to funding from the Australian Sports Commission, this 12 month project aimed to better understand motivations amongst women and girls that can lead to parkrun participation. The feedback was used to develop an extensive collection of digital resources to highlight the different ways women and girls take part in parkrun and the health and social benefits it brings.

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Available to download in different file sizes, these dynamic resources are perfect for everything from social media to screens in a GP waiting room, school or council office.


Download high quality photos to celebrate and promote walking, running, volunteering and spectating at parkrun.

Social Media

Promote parkrun to your friends, family or professional networks with this handy range of ready-to-use assets that are suitable for a range of social media platforms.

Presentation Templates

Downloadable presentations to give an overview of what parkrun is and the benefits it can bring to individuals and communities, which can be adapted for any audience.


Insight is crucial to the development of parkrun projects and resources. Download the latest parkrun research.

About the Resources Hub

At parkrun, our mission is to help create healthier and happier communities by supporting and empowering people to be involved in our free events — whether that’s walking or running the 5km, helping out as a volunteer, or spectating and socialising.

Physical activity, including through volunteering, should be fun, social, informal and free from pressure, maximising the chances of it becoming a lifelong habit. We are proud that millions of people around the world participate in parkrun and we want to do more to bring the joy of parkrun to millions more. 

Thanks to funding from the Australian Sports Commission’s Move It AUS Grant Program, this Resource Hub has been developed to empower anyone to start a conversation about parkrun with the people in their lives, from the lounge chair at home to the seats of parliament, in real life or online.  

The first suite of downloadable digital resources is specifically designed to celebrate parkrun participation amongst women and girls and to show how fun and flexible parkrun is. The content has been developed following extensive research and consultations to increase our understanding of the barriers that can stand in the way of parkrun participation amongst women and girls, while also identifying some of the primary motivations.

Thank you to the thousands of women and girls who contributed to our research and the development of these resources, which we know will lead to many more people discovering the joy of parkrun.

What’s next…

We will periodically add more downloadable resources to this site that promote and celebrate many different aspects of parkrun participation. These updates will be shared through our weekly country newsletters and social media channels, and you can check the “Updates” section on this page at any time.

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