

"At parkrun there is never any judgement. It's a safe space." - Alicia


"I came to parkrun to run but I discovered volunteering. That to me is better than running." - Amy


"It took me 7 years from signing up with parkrun to going along, but since then it has changed my life." - Annie


"In the Army we move all the time. parkrun is the same wherever you go and is a great way to experience your new community." - Bek


"I get excited about going to parkrun and volunteering." - Emma

Freya & Olive

"parkrunning with a friend is better than running alone. We chat the whole way then sprint to the finish!" - Freya & Olive


"parkrun is my 'me time'." - Gurjinder


"parkrun helped me meet new people and practice my English when I moved from Iran to Australia. I also met my husband through parkrun!" - Hanieh


"I'm a shy person. Volunteering at parkrun gives me the chance to develop my personal skills and public speaking." - Janine


"I was running to the finish and this dear boy started cheering and running with me. It gave me a wonderful feeling of joy!" - Jo

Kerry, Lynn & Jennifer

"We all met at parkrun, but we don't just do parkrun together. We do life together." - Kerry, Lynn & Jennifer


"Every mum should be able to go for a run with their teenage daughter. We just do it differently to most." - Kylee


"Walk, run, volunteer, spectate. parkrun is an activity that our whole family can do together every week." - Laurinda


"I didn't know anyone when I moved to Australia in 2016. parkrun helped me meet people and discover new places. - Letchumy


I love nothing more than walking into the desert every Saturday morning to volunteer as course marshal. It's my happy place." - Maria


"I found parkrun after my teenage daughter tragically passed away. It helps me connect with people who have similar stories." - Melanie


"I have volunteered at parkrun 440 times and never walked or run the 5km course." - Merrilyn


"We live in one of the most remote towns in Australia. parkrun helps to build our community." - Natascha


"parkrun has given me confidence and empowers me to be a role model for other young women." - Rachel


"parkrun gives me the chance to show that people with disabilities can be active in their community." - Tayla


"I started parkrun to lose weight and a year later found a cancerous lump in my breast. Without parkrun I would not be alive today." - Wendy