
Vrijwilligersrollen uitgelegd: Barcodescanner

In deze video zien we hoe leuk en makkelijk barcodescannen is, en dat iedereen het kan!

In this video we see how fun and easy barcode scanning is, and how anyone can do it!

Vrijwilligersrollen uitgelegd: Routecontrole

De Routecontrole is een verplichte vrijwilligersrol waarbij wordt gecontroleerd of de route veilig te gebruiken is en dat er niets aanwezig is dat de route onveilig zou kunnen maken voor deelnemers of vrijwilligers.

The Event Day Course Check is a compulsory volunteer roles that involves checking that the course is safe to use and is free from anything that may make it unsafe for walkers, runners and volunteers.

Vrijwilligersrollen uitgelegd: Opbouw evenement

Deze video laat zien wat er komt kijken bij het opbouwen van het evenement.

This video explores what's involved in Pre Event Setup.

Vrijwilligersrollen uitgelegd: Briefing nieuwe lopers

De briefing voor nieuwe lopers creëert een vriendelijke en gastvrije sfeer voor nieuwkomers, beantwoordt vragen en zorgt voor een geweldige eerste indruk!

The First Timers Welcome creates a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for first timers, answers questions, and creates a great first impression!

Vrijwilligersrollen uitgelegd: Routeregelaars

Routeregelaars voeren verschillende taken uit, waaronder het geven van aanwijzingen, zorgen voor veiligheid op het parcours en aanmoedigen.

Course Marshals perform a variety of tasks which include giving directions, ensuring safety on the course and cheerleading.

Vrijwilligersrollen uitgelegd: Sluitloper

De sluitloper is een vriendelijk gezicht dat vrijwillig als laatste finisht. De rol biedt ondersteuning en aanmoediging langs het parcours en zorgt ervoor dat iedereen meetelt.

The Tail Walker role is a friendly face or faces who volunteer to finish last! They provide support and encouragement along the course and ensure everyone is accounted for.

Vrijwilligersrollen uitgelegd: Tijdwaarnemer

Tijdwaarnemers zijn verantwoordelijk voor het registreren van de finishtijden van alle deelnemers aan het evenement met behulp van de Virtual Volunteer app.

Timekeepers are responsible for recording the finish times of all participants at the event using the Virtual Volunteer app.

Vrijwilligersrollen uitgelegd: Evenementleider

De Evenementleider heeft de verantwoordelijkheid voor het coördineren van een parkrunevenement.

The Run Director has overall responsibility for coordinating a parkrun event.

Vrijwilligersrollen uitgelegd: parkwalker

De parkwalker(s) loopt (lopen) voor de sluitloper maar achter de hardlopers. Ze geven steun en aanmoediging aan de wandelaars en zorgen ervoor dat die zich deel voelen van de parkrungemeenschap.

The parkwalker(s) walks ahead of the Tail Walker but behind those who are running. They provide support and encouragement to walkers and ensures they feel part of the parkrun community.

How to timekeep at parkrun

Timekeeping at parkrun is a super simple volunteer role that’s actually heaps of fun. As this short video shows, it’s so much fun that you can even make some fairy bread whilst you’re doing it!

How to barcode scan at parkrun

Barcode scanning is a fun volunteer role that anyone can try. This short video shows just how easy it is — even if you’re blindfolded!

Tips for attending parkrun

This 60 second video shows 7 ways that you can create a great parkrun experience for yourself and your fellow walkers, runners and volunteers!

Volunteer roles explained: Volunteer Coordinator

The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for managing the volunteer roster, which can be done during the week or at a parkrun event.

During the week they may use various communication channels to source volunteers such as Event Management System (EMS) and social media, and respond to offers to help. At the event, the Volunteer Coordinator may meet the volunteers, talk them through their roles and ensure they feel confident and supported.

Volunteer roles explained: parkwalker

The parkwalker volunteer role was created to demonstrate that walking at parkrun is both encouraged and valued.

During the event, the parkwalker(s) will be positioned ahead of the Tail Walker but behind those who are running. They provide support and encouragement to anyone who is walking and ensure that everyone who is walking feels part of the parkrun community.

Volunteer roles explained: Event Day Course Check

The Event Day Course Check involves checking that the course is safe to use and is free from anything that may make it unsafe to walkers, runners and volunteers.

Volunteer roles explained: Pre-event setup

These volunteers help the Run Director prepare for the event. This may include: the placement of markers and/or signage around the course, setting up the start/finish area including the finish funnel, and placing signs and/or cones to indicate the route.

Volunteer roles explained: First Timers Welcome

The role of the First Timers Welcome is to create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for first timers and visitors by describing parkrun, its inclusiveness and ethos, and highlighting any course-specific information. Seeing this role on a volunteer roster may be very comforting to a brand new participant.

Volunteer roles explained: Course Marshals

Course marshals perform a variety of tasks which include giving directions, ensuring safety on the course and cheerleading.

Volunteer roles explained: Tail Walker

The Tail Walker role is a friendly face or faces, who stay right at the back of the field and should be the last to go through the finish funnel, ensuring that everyone is accounted for.

Volunteer roles explained: Timekeeper

The Timekeeper is responsible for recording the finish times of all participants at the event (using the Virtual Volunteer app).

Volunteer roles explained: Barcode scanning

The barcode scanner is responsible for scanning people's finish token and barcode after they've completed the course.

Volunteer roles explained: Run Director

The Run Director has overall responsibility for event safety and oversees proceedings during the event and at the finish line. They must be near the start and/or finish area at all times. The Run Director has the ultimate authority to decide whether the event should be cancelled or postponed or if an adjustment to the course is required.

The Run Director also welcomes all parkrunners to the event via the pre-event brief and communicates all important messages prior to the event start, recognises the contributions of the volunteers, acknowledge visitors, first-timers and ensures everyone understands the event and stays safe for the duration.